2025 Board & Committee Members
Annie M. Viers, MA, LMFT-S, LPC-S
Emily Rolling, MS, LMFT
Vice President
Lenaida "Lennie" Rodriguez, MS, LMFT, LCDC
Michael Smith, MS, LMFT-Associate
Camila Flores, MA, LMFT-Associate
Webmaster and Social Media Manager
Allison Yong, MA, LMFT-Associate
Event Coordinator
Belinda Arriaga, LMFT
Program Planning Committee Chair
SAART Board Elections
The Board of Officers consists of the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Recorder, Treasurer, Event Coordinator, and Web Master. Elections for the SAART Board of Officers occurs each year in December. Nominees must be submitted ahead of each election. Individuals must be members of SAART to serve on the Board of Officers.
Another great way to serve the SAART community is through committee service. SAART Committees include: The Membership Committee, The Hospitality Committee, and The Program Planning Committee.
SAART Board and Committee Roles
Learn more about each role on the SAART Board of Officers. For full details on Board and Committee positions, please review the SAART Bylaws.
The President of SAART presides over all SAART meetings and meetings of the Board of Officers. They also appoint members to serve on committees and/or members to fulfill any vacant positions on the Board. Their primary responsibilities include planning SAART events/activities, including issuing invitations to speakers and confirming presenters, and coordinating with the Secretary to share information about SAART events with members. They provide oversight and support to the Treasurer and Committees.
The President-Elect’s primary job is to provide support to the President of SAART. In the President’s absence, the President-Elect performs the duties of the President and any duties assigned by the President. They facilitate the election of new officers each December, including actively soliciting nominations for officers and committee chairs throughout the year. In the event that the office of the President is vacated prior to the end of the election year, the President-Elect shall become President. Otherwise, the President-Elect automatically becomes President at the end of the President’s term.
The Recorder keeps the minutes for Board meetings and is responsible for providing copies to each Board member afterward. They also maintain the SAART archive of meeting minutes to facilitate ongoing productivity and efficiency of the Board.
The Secretary maintains and updates SAART mailing lists. They are responsible for preparing all documents and forms needed for regular and special meetings, as well as collecting, organizing, and overseeing the maintenance of all records required for compliance with the Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists to maintain status as an approved provider of Continuing Education credits. They oversee the check-in table at SAART events and communicate updates regarding new members to the Membership Committee.
The Treasurer maintains and updates the list of active members and communicates updates regarding new members to the Secretary. They collect and deposit dues and fees paid by members for any special events hosted by SAART. They keep a record of accounts, expenses, and disbursements of the Association and regularly provide reports regarding financial holdings and activities of SAART. The Treasurer is also responsible for preparing and overseeing any financial reports required for tax purposes and submitting the annual CEU provider renewal application.
The Event Coordinator generates invitations for SAART events. They post details about events on SAART social media sites and organize and confirm RSVP’s for events. They then send information to the Secretary and Treasurer in order to create Sign In Sheets.
The Web Master promotes SAART and its members through the SAART website and social media. They ensure the website is updated and maintained, including making necessary payments to maintain an active, professional, and functional website.
The Membership Committee is responsible for promoting SAART as an organization and ensuring ease of access to events for current members. The Chairperson assists the Treasurer in maintaining an accurate and up-to-date list of all members and initiates contact with potential members to keep them informed of SAART events and opportunities. The Membership Committee as a whole works to facilitate involvement and membership of local students in SAART activities including working with local faculty to ensure students are informed of regular and special SAART meetings.
The Hospitality Committee plans and prepares refreshments for SAART meetings. The Chairperson confirms arrangements for refreshments with the President prior to each SAART event.
The Program Planning Committee plans and coordinates programs for SAART meetings, special seminars and workshops, small study or support groups, and any other continued education events. The Chairperson attends each Board meeting to consult and assist in program planning and presents Committee members suggestions of topics and available speakers for SAART meetings.