Upcoming CEUs

TBHEC Rule Making and State Law Changes, Ethics and Technology – Separating Fact from Fiction

Friday, February 21, 2025


3 Ethics CEUs

An ethics presentation regarding practice compliance issues for mental health professionals related to Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council rule and state law changes, professional licensing Board complaints and litigation, as well as the use of technology and electronic communications. 

Course Objectives

• To discuss the administrative law rule making and state legislation process to promote a greater understanding of regulatory requirements and compliance for licensed mental health professionals.

• To review and examine telehealth and the use of technology to provide therapy services and the challenges created in the arena of maintaining professional boundaries.

• To explore legal and ethical issues related to pursuing other revenue streams in addition to or in conjunction with licensed mental health professional practice.

We have transitioned to a new membership platform, which means there will be some changes to our registration processes:

Please take note of the instructions for registering for events that will usually involve using your email (if you are an active member) as a promo code to obtain free tickets to events.

Should you have any issues, feel free to reach out: saart.officers@gmail.com. We are here to help!


  • Using the Enneagram to Understand Client Stress Responses (December 6, 2024)

  • Play Therapy In-Person Training (October 25, 2024)

  • Suicide Prevention Virtual Training (September 20, 2024)

  • Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy In-Person Training (June 21, 2024)

  • Ethics Training for Licensed Mental Health Professionals: Practical Strategies for Staying in Compliance (February 13, 2024)

  • Healing Holidays - Making your Grief Count (December 1, 2023)

Become a Presenter

We are seeking passionate presenters who can address any number of clinical topics as seen through a systemic lens, provide hands-on tools, and information on how your work can be applied to working with individuals, families, and/or couples.

Speaker proposals can be submitted throughout the year. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please complete the form below. Professionals of all licensure types are welcome to submit proposals, but we do ask that there be a systemic focus to the presentation.

Presentations are held during our bi-monthly meetings on Fridays. Each speaker will have 1.5 hrs to present, from approximately 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m (this is flexible).

Email SAART with the following information to express your interest to present:

  • Name

  • Professional Licenses and Certifications (include license/certification numbers)

  • Email

  • Phone Number

  • Title of Presentation

  • Description of Presentation

  • 3-5 Key Learning Points

  • Brief Speaker Bio

  • Speaker Website

Invest in Your Professional Development and Client Outcomes.